August 06, 2008

A Deliberation of Dilemma

Balu is a bit fidgety about his state now. He wants to recall a message, he sent from his mailbox. He wonders if he recalls will the mail be deleted from his sweet heart’s mailbox or won't? What is she going to think of it? What if she rackets about the mail to her friends? Shall, I send her a mail asking her to ignore the previous mail and just go ahead and delete it. Oh! God! How stupid, I have been by being impulsively had clicked the send button.

Balu, our hero, is a guy of early-thirties and at the brim of bachelorhood, for time not known or incalculable. He has been so much immersed in his dreams and career that when all his classmates and buddies were enjoying out in the sun, he had been chasing his wild dreams and career. Never had a brush-of-the-hand relationship with any of the women he knew, though the folks he knew almost amount to be a little or nothing at all. During his college days, he had been the knowledgeable person, who everyone could lay hands on for all the missed classes and practicals.

Having said so much about him, now you must have been wondering what a dull and boring life it must have been. But, on the other side, the true self of Balu isn’t known to anyone. He is very normal, has his crushes, has his fantasies, and has his wild-naked dreams and his fanaticism about the latest bomb-shell heroine in the stardom. All these traits were hidden from the people he knew and his closest of buddies, except for one.

This one person also now has stranded him and become engrossed in his daily affairs of life. Now, they hardly meet except for occasional phone calls or lending a shoulder when the other is down pouring his heart out over a mug of beer at nameless dull lit bars of the city.

Days rolled into months and years, but our poor Balu was the same and his aspirations with his job kept him traveling to various places around the world and earn a comfortable and easy life. He too attained the day of his life when he was asked to choose his life-partner or the better half to kill the drabness of the journey called life.

He is in a fix now. This would have been a matter of pride and confidence for any other man in the town, but for our little man, this turned out to be an uphill task, that looked unattainable. Somehow, he had convinced his mind long before all this that he would marry or have a girl who liked him. The girl, will be of his choice and will be having the same wavelength, respect him, support him, would do things for him, etc, and so on. But, never did he think at that time that this his so on and on would stand as a block of wall in front of him one day to threaten him.
Our man, does not lose heart, as he is a defendant winner in all terms, is all set to achieve in his recent task too. All is smooth, till the day, Janavi, the girl of dreams arrives into town and to worsen things joins the same office where Balu, the great is the headman. Now, the complications, it is as obviously seen, it is a case of head over heels of love, blindfolded love though the girl in preposition is strikingly charming and amicable.
She is a smart lady with a right combination of wit and wisdom, complicated with a beauty not skin deep. She is not a subordinate but in par with Balu and they interact with each other most of the time. She is also of the same age and belongs to the clan as Balu with an exception here, she is extremely friendly and has a long list of friends and leads a very active life.
She seems to be enjoying her life and doing all the things that people of her age do. She is sensible though and knows her limitations and expectations. Though clichéd, this is how she is and ‘she is attractive’ is what others say of her or accredit her.
She stays alone and takes pride in being a self-made chic. Living alone has not been her forte but her work demanded her to be in this situation, though she has a big family to support and pet her if need be.

1 comment:

Kumar Sankar said...

Dear friend, its very good...keep it up and continue