April 26, 2010

Why do we do…what we do?

It is now almost lazy summer afternoons and after a hard week at the office, all you do on these hot afternoons is to have your own siesta or pick up an unnecessary conversation with your own siblings or family or your spouse or friends and end up with grudges that eat up the rest of the afternoon….and evening!

In one such afternoon, when the whole family somehow tries to sleep over the time….I was stuck with this stupid laptop of mine and nothing much to do either on farmville, fishville and cafeworld…all the virtual games on facebook….that only offers you ‘phase value…!’

Hmmm….so nothing much to do, I started pondering over today’s events and found some strange and interesting facts about ourselves – Human Beings….this isn’t a theory or a conclusion…and whatever I say here will not stand true to most of us…but there is relatively a higher rate of occurrence and repetitiveness in behaviour of ourselves…!

Here’s a list of things that I noticed…!

  • Advice people only whenever they make a mistake in life and tell them to not do as thus…!
  • Always wait for something to happen and then say,”I knew this is going to happen!”
  • You slip or have a muscle catch the whole kith and kin knows about it…including those staying far away from you….!
  • You always seems to have the last word in the family…!
  • You propose something to your friends and end up following what they have to say or do…!
  • You seem to make plans and you don’t seem to be doing it…!
  • Only when you want something you don’t seem to find it in abundance…!
  • You seem to gossip when it somebody’s subject when it is yours, you simply say,”lets talk something else…and come back to you…!”
  • Praise somebody whom we like and neglect or talk ill of people whom we don’t like!
  • Always scream at people below our age or who are working under us…even when we aren’t angry with them!
  • Try to mumble something when we don’t find anybody responding to whatever we have to say…!
  • Hang on to the good old days we had and keep saying them to maximum number of people we find and bore them?
  • Listen to a song repeatedly even after listening to it a number of times…!
  • Find it hard to memorize a thing of knowledge and never forget to remember a celebrity’s birthday or a celebration…!
  • Get lazy to play any movie for yourself on a system or a DVD Player or the television but sit watching it when someone plays it…!
  • Feel the thirst to drink water when you see somebody drinking water…!
  • Feel the hunger till somebody offers you to eat…!

The list goes on and there are more weirder ways of living this simple….life.

Do share some of yours…let me at least know that so many of me…is around this weirder place called earth….that is a planet on the milky way…suspended somewhere in the galaxy – how much more weird that can be!


Shrinidhi Hande said...

good list...

Cherry said...

A diplomat is someone who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you will look forward to the trip. You are truely a diplomat