Well, everywhere else there are these street dogs that are targeted for all the other reasons except for a beautiful morning walk, sometimes in the cold mornings, sometimes in the sunny mornings, sometimes in the foggy mornings and sometimes in the dullest mornings.
It is so funny, you know!!! The dog walks in front of you and you running or pulling it towards you or make it walk at your pace. At times, you wonder who is taking who for a morning walk.
I am really baffled by this feature?! Dog - Human beings best companion and a wonderful and emphatic listener!
I wonder why they take this dog for walking, coz, some dogs just graze around the garbage, some just keep sniffing at the other passers-by on the road, some bark at every person who passes-by, some drag the master ahead of his/her stride, some run wild letting lose the strands, some sniff at the street-dogs, some try to patch-up with the other breeds, some just drags by letting the master be ahead of him…whatever the intend behind – ‘Walking a dog’.
I initially presumed that it was only in the process of getting it habituated to get into clean habits and the early morning rituals as human beings. These dogs are taught to be clean in the house and dirtying the roads………cha! What habit is this?!
But, then my reluctant mind did not allow me to stick to the convention and I did a little bit of an exploration into it.
There is ‘Main Hoon Na – Google’, which gives you a plethora of Web pages to display the content related to your specific arena of search!
Of course, some pages are as usual were of no use and of the pages, which had information it states that, “All dogs, regardless of size or breed, need to be taken on daily walks, jogs, runs, bike rides, rollerblading, any means you have to get your dog moving. Taking your dog for a walk is an important ritual in keeping your dog mentally stable.
A dog, as an animal, is a walker/traveler by instinct. Packs of dogs get up in the morning and walk. Simply having a large back yard or taking your dog to the dog park is not going to satisfy this instinct in your dog.” [Courtesy: http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/articles/dogwalk.htm]
Adding to this there were lot of ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ and benefits of walking the dog and various other activities for the beautiful companion of man!
The cliché is that I came across only the maids and the male servants of these houses taking these faithful animals for a long walk! I don’t know if the animals got benefited by it but ‘Yes’, the maids and the male servants really seem to be enjoying each others company.
For, I could see a beautiful and a meaningful relationship developing between the two breeds and the society seeming to erase the casteless society and make it a single large entity of love and understanding.
I work here and you work there….and we live in wealth though not ours but almost ours [Yeah! they are the ones who enjoy all the wealth accumulated, for the owner is busy acquiring more sweating in an air-conditioned office!]
Yes, of course, [Did you think otherwise? I hope, not. I don’t perceive things, I see them?!]
I am talking about the animals [I wish, I could write ‘dogs’ here. But, I am being a little decent for the fear of my writing to be misinterpreted. It won’t isn’t it?!] of different breeds developing a relationship and walking in unison with each other in eternity, on every beautiful morning on the shaded plush locales and running around or cajoling each other, warming up to an effective active life and energetic one!
I see the dog being exercised in the mornings out in the best conditions of the environment and trying to make it effective and remain healthy so that it can accompany the man a little longer than required!
I see the man trying to exercise in the air-conditioned environment and reduce the fat accumulated by eating all the possible junk along with the healthy eating habits?! Yet, bond with the animal forever!
Who needs the exercise, the dog, the maid, the owner? I am perplexed. There is Website enforcing on the exercise for the dogs and the man as well! Who listens, who cares, you walk my dog and I walk the machine, and tell the world – I am healthy, I exercise and so does my dog – everyday although individually!
PS: Alas! This is a feature only specific to Indian Subcontinent.
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