Hmmm....I know, I am one of them but don't know how much of what I have said here will justify whatever is being said here....I will do justice up to the extent possible...I request the men folk to add to it and tell me....If I was right! :)
Yesterday, night I sat watching television and some scenes from a teleserial caught my sight and was astonished by the scene and the subtlety of it....!

The scene is between a supposedly husband and wife of the serial who have got together alone in a new setting and almost totally head-over heels in love with each so happens that they are now in the complete sense of the relationship called - married life! ;)
So, it was kind of funny looking at what all these actors are asked to do for the sake of acting and they have to put up with the weird acting till the sound of 'cut' by the director and not to forget the improvisations done to the whole acting...Oh! man what a place and action...!
But I was just looking at the screen going blank by my thoughts then suddenly I was astonished by the blushing and coyness of the heroine...and the various out of place dialogues given to her.
That was not all I could not resist the shyness exhibited by her. I was delighted by it and it sounded close to reality and wondered in real life situations...where all does a lady shun her shyness or is there such a thing or is it history with the modern lady who has armored the man's world with straightened backs and long strides...!
My mind immediately answered me, “It does not take away her naturalness at any place...a lady is a lady in all true sense...”
I sat thinking about the various crucial turns in her life where she is really shy to do something but does it by shunning it away and is all pleasure and nothing but pleasure...!
Read on...and tell me if that is fine and you agree with me! We will go chronologically according to her age; I know it will be interesting to read some parts....but got to read from one. :)
The ages from five to ten are the innocent period of one’s life irrespective of the gender. Here, we can see both genders equally shy and coy but this is very much unique to watch and it tells you that the growing up of the kid is on the block…!
In very few years, these kids will be grown up and you have to be cautious with them. The girl child becomes aware of her surroundings and starts to build a process of her own. She is seen quite in her activities, less resilient and less troublesome…and more responsible.
She seems to rap with her mother, understand her and support her….when she is praised for something she has done…she becomes happy and you can see the sort of shyness exhibited by her…by running away into her room and coming out of it after a long time or hides behind the pallu of her mother…or the curtains are her rescue…or the chairs and tables…or the sofa…or hide in-between the feet of her dad…it is so beautiful…to see it.
In this period of shyness, there is innocence and certain amount of sanity in it and it takes all your feelings towards the little thing and your really appreciate her.
The ages of 10 to 20, happiness comes very rapidly and with it comes in a lot of understanding and knowledge gain. This age there are many things that open up the knowledge quotient and reduce the innocence quotient similarly to the event of opening a Pandora’s Box and with it a lot of interventions, restrictions, restlessness, and worries…!
This is a period of rebelliousness and the girl child endures a lot when compared to the other gender. She is kept on a constant watch and asked to do a lot of things which she voluntarily or involuntarily does it.
She is aware of herself, her soul, her body and her emotions and they all add more confusion to the already confused mind…!
She is always in company or she is seen talking to her friends most of the time and that is her world. You don’t see her around you, like you used to see, her always behind your pallu…or screens, you she her more outgoing and at more appropriate timelines… there is an amount of secrecy about her.
She is shyer and that we can see…she never comes in front of others and is worried about how she looks. She is more conscious of herself…takes time in her dressing herself or while bathing or taking utmost care off the things in vogue and wants to add that to her already increasing list of demands.
If questioned, she just looks at you and wonders… “Aw! Why don’t mothers understand and give you a nasty look…” all the innocence vanishing from her.
I love this age of hers…she comes to know more than what you knew at her age…kind of scary and all of a sudden all that shyness gone and more openness about her…!
Age of Happenings:
The ages from 20 to 40, is the age of know-all but quite calm and composed ages. This is the period that the inherent quality of a woman – thy shyness plays a vital role in the entire life cycle.
It helps her at various stages of her life and at various conditions of her life. The mind is fully grown and goes beyond comparing the reality to the dream world…! There is a constant search for the appropriate person, place and thing.
The restlessness continues but now it is subdued and there is a constant watch around her and her surrounding is always buzzing with bees and there is great pleasure in it. There is a change in her way of approach, the way she talks, she laughs, she carries herself, there is change in her completely and always in a crowd she wants be heard.
If cornered she is seen at her…her shyness comes in handy and she takes the help of it to the fullest extent.
She finds it difficulty in finding a perfect balance between the shyness and laughter. She knows what is to follow what, but have to be innocent enough to let the whole thing happen. The sly look she gives at you when nobody is watching her, the intense glance when you are doing something not ok and glance at her…the cheerful look at her face, the shyness in her eyes, the pride in her…when you walk with her, the first lunch or dinner, the brush of your hand, the raising heartbeat, the intense feeling of emotion following within her, the eagerness and the difficulty to stop things from flowing into one another….!
The coyness she spreads across her lips when you held her hand in front of so many people and well wishers, she knows that you are the one…and in her pride you can see a tinge of shyness!
The start of the new life with you beside her…the first touch, the first things that you all do together you have her coyness along to do away with till she takes care of you as her own…!
When she makes you promoted to your next stage in life, you can see the shyness in the smile she carries that takes away your breath and tells you what it means to her.
The circle is vivacious and it goes on….from then on!
Known & Seen it all:
The age from 40 onwards is a stage in life when you return to your own careless state and enjoy things that you used to do when you were young and innocent.
Here, you can see her shying away from things that she used to like do…till yesterday, such as holding hands with you, when she crosses a heavy trafficked road or looking at you intensely when you are reading a magazine or just brushing your hair when you are lost in those intense moments or watching, reading or thinking…!
All those moments when you caught her unaware the shyness that used to tingle you to continue with her uneasiness…is no more interesting her.
She is still shy and says, “Oh! Come on stop it not at this stage of life…” and brushes you off as if you were asking her to do a taboo…! She is again aware of her surroundings and does not want to be caught in an awkward position and is always keeping track of what she does and keeps a tab on you as well….!
This stage of hers is so nice that you feel like taking her in your arms and cuddling her up…she brings in all the innocent shyness that gets lost during the course of life and transformation that she takes on….!
Now, she is fragile as a flower and if handled well, she brings in more happiness than the yesteryears that have gone by………!
Are we ready to take the women of your life who goes so much of changes in one life? Was I correct in telling all this to you….come on do tell me!
Comments are always welcome as usual…I would love to hear about your thoughts!
PS: Pictures in this blog are used from the internet...any copyright issues please raise, it will remove them. Thank You!