April 26, 2010

Do I know you! (Part-2)

The minute and the hour hand are dragging by and it looks like they are wound to each other and not seeming to move for the past, fifteen minutes. The book in the hand isn’t doing any help either, the mind is still unrest and every now and then the thought of why, how and when keeps popping up?

There is lot of noise around and people seem to gather and depart as the buses ply by! The much awaited bus arrives and both of them get in and get a place to rest their souls.

The weird combo of this bus is that, there are places where you sit facing across each other and they happen to be seated this way…she not able to concentrate on her book, looks out of the window and tries to catch a glimpse of the passing things.

She finds a pair of eyes staring at her from the other end, it irritates her and she looks in the direction to find a man of medium height and absolutely with no sense of ethics was showing a wide-mouthed gape at her that turned into one of the funniest smiles.

She is just averted by the sight and immerses herself into the book or rather hides her face from that sight. When she is about to lift her book again, that thing happened.

A casual glance and the four eyes met for a mere second and there was a strike of understanding, for the pair of eyes caught the sight of the disgrace and happened to aware him of the coming imprudence.

She just looked at the pair of eyes and wondered ‘what’s his problem now’? ‘Who is he to poke into my affairs?’ Thinks a lady-savior or something?! How stupid? Trying to impress or…?! Just need a slightest indication to start off a friendly approach?!

Thinking that it was even useless to continue the argument within herself she again gets lost in her book…the day at the office also turns to be sour and restless. She just feels the day just passes off and she can get back to her place and find solace in her own quarters.

He misses his stop, gets down at another stop and walks back the entire way up to his office. Sometimes he wonders he should start using his own conveyances rather depend on these stupid public transports.

But the thought of smoke, pollution, traffic, and the signal lights, he finds that sometimes being just a passenger helps rather than driving. Driving is a passion for most of us, so is also for him. He takes long visits to places all around by traveling in his own car or using the conveyances that are available to experience the joy of just traveling.

It is not a sunny day, so his walk back to his office was pleasant with music in his ears, the one and only Michael Jackson, singing some of his legendary songs. Hmm…he revered with the thought that this ‘Man’s lost forever’ no matter whatever he was a genius and there is no one who can fill in the vacuum created by him.

Listening to him he enters the office and gets on to his day’s work. However, in spite of his hectic schedule he is not able to shut his mind and their grunts intervened by all these he is also disturbed by the small figure of woman who sat across him.

He was surprised by the pride that lady put up…her stares and her aversion, her stubborn nature…he seemed to be finding a different attitude in ages. Not that he is a professor or his research in women-folk is helping him, he wasn’t interested in them apart from having friendly acquaintances. He wondered why she disturbed him so much, in spite of being a total stranger.

He gets back home thanking the gods in heaven that the day came to an end with great difficulty. He dreads the thought of home for a second and kicks the thought off as after all it is his home, whatever the conditions it forays!

Days roll by and the parents don’t seem to know what their offspring’s conditions are and they set on to the proposal and wonder that is the best for their offspring. There can’t be any good happening to them, at least when they are at the wheel and nothing else matters, when they have set their mind on.

Both, my characters are not against marriage or partnership. They are not for different types of marriages or for any kind of marriage. They are just confused about the fact and the myths surrounded by the word marriage and it’s after effects. They just can’t understand the strands of marriage and it vows and does not want to be in a relation unless they get into it.

They don’t know how to fight their cause and also not like the youth of today who just for the sake of being in a relation pick, choose and drop out of it. Both are developed individuals and know their limits and delimits and all they want is sometime to analyze what they feel worth of and then get into a relation to live life to the fullest.

Today’s decisions are tomorrow’s mistakes to repent! But who listens to men and women of this thinking, they too get lost in the mundane of life. So, did these two…will catch up soon what they did with themselves?

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