First of all let me apologize for such a long gap between the previous post and this one. I know it should have followed in succession….but due to my laziness or being extremely preoccupied with things on my hand I wasn’t able to so it in the right time and in the right frame of mind.
I hope you understand my precarious position and read through this piece of writing and guide me through your comments and suggestions as always. Without a wasting time…let me proceed to the topic…!
Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev or just simply Sadhguru means a world of wisdom and the profoundness that is hard to find.
I am indebted to him for giving me that extra edge over life’s issues and still be in cheer in all that I do.
I got introduced to Sadhguru, way back somewhere in 2002, then I did not know much about him or the foundation called Isha Yoga foundation. I was just a spectator there to the Dhynalingam that was in a very primitive stage and I instantly liked the place and the aura around the place.
Though there were lingering and haunting controversies about the place - which place or being does not have a tinge of madness and controversy attached with no constraints! J
I was drawn to the method of meditation and the offering to the god. I loved the exhibition of prayers to the almighty above there. I offered milk abishegam to the deity in the centre of the dome. I was drawn to the magnetism the place had, the object – the lingam had.
I was feeling something happen to me…I could not explain what. That is when I got introduced to this place and there begun a search unknown to me.
I promised to myself to come back to the place and explore more. I brought a book called, - ‘Encounter the Enlightened’ and that happened to be a reluctant copy brought and signed by the Manager of The New Indian Express, where I worked and few other colleagues with whom I had first visited that place as a mere place of interest.
It cost about 90 bucks. He said, “Why don’t you buy it yourself?” Spat the reply came from me, “No, I won’t buy if you want me to buy, you buy it for me and sign it…that way I can remember the place and you - I giggled!”
People along with us acknowledged what I said and that’s how I got the first introduction to Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev and his writings.
The book enthralled me...it was in the form of question and answers. The questions ranged from beliefs, customs, religions, life, death and various aspects of spirituality.
The answers were very much crude and to the point and it did not try to convince the soul that was asking the question. The answers were direct and it said clearly, this is the answer take it out leave it.
Let me introduce the man behind the aspect…!
Sadhguru is a yogi and profound mystic and also is a visionary humanitarian and a prominent spiritual leader.
At home, you can fine him clad in loincloth or in his blue jeans, barefoot on the Himalayas, or on a BMW motorcycle, Sadhguru is mystic himself.
Sadhguru has scientific methods for self-transformation, which are both direct and powerful. He is an icon of that multitude that you can easily connect with and at the same time wonder what the hell is happening around him.
Why do you feel so many transformations and why do you feel magnetic to this person?
There are various kinds of people and artifacts that are exhibited in the name of the ancient yogic sciences of our own heritage.
But, in all of that Sadhguru stands for his witty responses and the way he speaks to the layman. He speaks their language and they find it the better response than anything else.
He does not seem to flatter your ego further and tell you what you can or could have become…he tells you on your face you are not what you think you are and if you feel, what I am saying makes sense to you come over I will show you an beautiful experience that I could feel…you could also feel.
That’s how he speaks to you, he talks to you as a friend and lets you what you can do and brings you on a different level that you automatically set yourself to the liberation that we hear about it wherever we go but have to undergo through a lot of talks and procedures.
Sadhguru found his liberation sitting on a certain hill at a certain day…and when he found this particular experience happening to him exponentially and experience, he thought if he could feel it and experience it all of his friends could or would feel it.
He slowly thought things to people who got interested in what was happening to him and then he diverted this small happening into a larger perspective and founded the Isha Yoga Foundation, which stands tall and elegant at the foothills of Vellangiri Mountains, nearby Coimbatore.
The foundation is run completely by volunteers and the Isha Yoga Centre has a huge Dhyanalinga Yogic Temple or the Meditation Centre in which is in the form of a dome and it holds a Shivalingam that is very huge in size.
It has a Theerthakund, a rectangular space filled in with water and it too has a Lingam in the centre immersed in water. The specialty of this Lingam is that it is made up of ‘MERCURY’.
Yep, mercury solidified and immersed in water. It is believed that this water will enhance spiritual receptivity in a person and if you immerse yourself in the water, hold the lingam with your hands or clutch it for a few minutes and return to the sanctum to meditate, you gain positive vibrations.
There is more to this place than what we think, I have been to the place in its primitive stages and also after it has now been developed so much. Things haven’t changed much except for the fact that there are many a people now flock to this temple as a place of interest and awe.
The Isha Yoga Foundation conducts many a courses that cater to the inward journey of the soul and the journey to the Inner Management of a soul as well.
Like we say, charity begins at home; spirituality also begins at home…! Spirituality is not about giving up living it is about living right and in the right context.
You need to experience whatever I have experienced to know the difference between a good and relative feeling that happens within a soul, whenever we try to differentiate…things.
Hope, you get inspired to do one, reading this or at least tell me about it.
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