August 16, 2008

“What does Independence day mean to you?”

I saw this title in one of the leading newspapers of India. It has been posed to several school going youngsters, and have asked them to answer to it.

Though the answers are varied and each one of them has answered in their own way. But centralized under the same context that, August 15, 1947 India got freedom from Slavery. It got its freedom, from Britain. The sacrifice of various Indians in the struggle for freedom, every other small has written this, Independence Day is just not remembering these people walking around with a flag pinned on our shoulders.

I am wondering what has made them write so, agreed people gave up for their lives, fought, struggled and were strangled to give us all the freedom and enjoyment of a free state, that we are now. But, does independence day only has to remind you of their sacrifices, not any other day you walk freely on the streets.

It is should be a constant reminder in your mind, even if it isn’t the independence day and when you buy a piece of land written to you by the Law, against your name and claim your property, it must remind you.

It reminds you when you do a deed that reflects you self, like spitting on the road, crossing signals, avoiding traffic rules, honking horns where absolutely unnecessary, walking by a running tap, dumping waste on the streets, roadways, and highways, letting the lights burn in a common place without its necessity, don’t care attitude unless it burns your pocket, talking loudly in common places, performing activities top disturb the surrounding, like these many activities that we do on a daily basis is the liability that we get from this freedom.

Why remember something to which we can’t contribute? Why remember things that are no more present among us? Why teach and preach the young minds that we got our freedom and lots of freedom fighters gave up their life for the very freedom that I and You enjoy today without any questions?

Gandhiji, who fought freedom himself had said, when women can walk alone on the streets of midnight alone safely, it is the achievement of freedom at last.

Is our state so safe now, do we have that much freedom today? Remembering people right, but should not stop there, let’s contribute to it. If the learned make a difference then I think the people will follow and set an example.

We all dream and crib about a flawless and efficient, India but in whose hands is it? It is I and You that can make a difference. Come on, let’s join hands at least in this 61st Independence day, at least follow certain sanity and strength to show, We care, We will follow and remain indebted to the sacrifice that gave us the liberation to speak, eat and live the way we want.

I have expressed what I feel, no offense to anyone or anybody. You are free to tell what you feel and that is 'What Independence Day' has given you.

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